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A Summer Festival Funday raising money for 3 UK Rett Syndrome Charities

Rett UK, Cure Rett, and Reverse Rett

Florie's Ball

31st October 2015

At The Manor of Groves, High Wych, Sawbridgeworth.


The night includes a 3 course dinner, entertainment and a DJ.


Tickets will be for sale soon!!

In 2013, we decided to help other charities that impact Florie's Life. Not just Rett Syndrome Charities. This list is likely to get longer as Florie gets older, but we will try and help where we can.


Keech - Florie attends Keech Hospice as part of Respite. She loves it and they adore her and most importantly, they give her the care she needs while we get a rest.


CHiPs - a local charity, 'Childrens Integrated Playscheme's. They run saturday clubs, holiday clubs, sibling groups and Parent Support. They are a massive help to us as a family.


Make A Wish - Make-A-Wish grants wishes for life limited Children.

Florie was lucky enough to have her wish of her own Hot Tub granted.

Florie loves water, so this has enables Florie access to Hydrotherapy at home. It brings her siblings together as they share the experience and gives us as a family something to do together.



Our mission is simple.

To make Florie's life the best it possible can be, and to hopefully help others along the way!


Florie's Fund Is a non profit fund, not a registered charity.

It was set up in March 2013, a result of being approached by supporters, friends and family asking if they can donate to just Florie.


Florie's needs are complex, and she needs lots of different therapies in order to enjoy her life and to cope with the day to day struggles that Rett Syndrome Bring.


Equipment and Therapies are not available to everyone for Free, her fund means they are accesible for Florie.


I want to take this opportunity to Thank You for reading, and supporting us.

Without our supporters, this is not possible. And its peoples support that gets us through each day.

Our Mission

Upcoming Events

As Mentioned Earlier, Florie's Fund is not a registered charity.

However after a event, we pick a charity to donate too. A Charity connected to Rett Syndrome or us as a family.

Its not always a massive amount of money but its a donation neither the less.

Here are some details on the Charities we help out.


Reverse Rett - a parent-driven charity working to accelerate treatments and cures for Rett Syndrome and related MECP2 Disorders. 95p in every pound directly funds research projects focused on giving our children a better future.


Rett Uk -  Rett UK (formerly known as the Rett Syndrome Association UK). We are the only charity who provide professional support to people living with Rett syndrome across the UK.


Cure Rett - Cure Rett is a registered charity created to address two important needs in the Rett Syndrome community. We provide care for families dealing with a Rett Syndrome diagnosis. We also raise funds to support researchers in their efforts to develop treatments and find a cure for Rett Syndrome



The Charities

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